Call: 812-526-5504 Located in Edinburgh, IN

After working for Allis Chalmers & White Dealer for 9 years, Dave Brown started his own dealership in 1981. With a full service shop and certified mechanics on duty, Dave’s Farm Service has serviced all makes and models of tractors and combines.


High-quality tractor attachments and implements available at Dave's Farm Service in Edinburgh, Indiana

Tractor Attachments & Implements in Edinburgh, IN | Dave’s Farm Service We have a large selection of TYM/Branson implements and attachment that will be able to help you with any project.  Call us today for pricing 812-526-5504 IMPLEMENTS Cutters Rakes Bale Spears Box Scraper Forks Grader Blades

Zero Turn Lawn Mowers

Country Clipper Dealer for Sales, Parts & Service in Edinburgh, IN | Dave’s Farm Service Come check out our selection of Zero Turn Lawn mower.  We are a Country Clipper deal with a large selection to choose from. Click Here For Full Inventory:   Call us about the hero program.

TYM and Branson tractors at Dave's Farm Service in Edinburgh, Indiana

Branson and TYM tractors, attachments, and Country Clipper zero-turn mowers at Dave’s Farm Service in Edinburgh, Indiana Check out the full inventory of tractors:

TYM and Branson tractors at Dave's Farm Service in Edinburgh, Indiana

We are a Branson Dealer and Country Clipper Zero Turn Lawn mower Dealer. We offer sales, service, and parts.

Branson and TYM tractors, attachments, and Country Clipper zero-turn mowers at Dave's Farm Service in Edinburgh, Indiana

Tractors, Attachments, Zero-Turn Mowers & Parts in Edinburgh, IN | Dave’s Farm Service   TYM and Country Clipper Parts and service

High-quality tractor attachments and implements available at Dave's Farm Service in Edinburgh, Indiana

Tractor Attachments & Implements in Edinburgh, IN | Dave’s Farm Service Dave’s Farm service located in Edinburgh in has a large selection of attachments for your tractor. We are a TYM/Branson Dealer but have attachments for a lot of other tractors too. Come in or call us today for a full selection of tractor […]

We are the local Branson and Country Clipper Dealer in the area. Call or come in for a free quote 812-526-5504